Tuesday 16 June 2015

The Complicated Quest For Health by Marily Gayeta

  Since time immemorial , mankind has always sought health and longevity .  In the medieval times , hooded alchemists , in their dark mysterious  caves ,  mixed  elements  to find  the cure for ailments and  the serum for eternal youth .  These days , scientists work round the clock in sterile  laboratories , searching for ways to eliminate diseases  and  to  improve health . Equipped  with advanced knowledge  and  cutting-edge technology,  they  study and experiment   on almost everything : organic food , vaccines , laser surgeries and bio-robotics. Indeed , we have come a long way . However ,  the irony of the 21st century is that , despite these  milestones  ,  staying healthy remains a challenge for many people.
Each one of us is a part of  much larger whole where various social , economic and political factors mesh into  a complex dynamics.  That dynamics affects our thoughts and actions. In the context of this larger whole , staying healthy is not as  easy as munching an apple  or  walking  on your way to the office.  There are many powerful forces that will discourage you from doing these healthy things
                A major  factor  is  widespread commercialism  and consumerism . The desire  for bigger profit has driven  businesses to  launch  aggressive marketing ploys to sell their products. Giant food companies have forged partnerships  with  media companies to propel sales through advertisements. The media --- television , radio , print  and of course ,   the internet.  --- has seen phenomenal growth in terms of global  reach . Because of this , it is  the best  vehicle   to promote a product.
                Dr. George Gerbner  of the Annenberg School of Communications  in the USA  conducted extensive studies on the effects of TV viewing on people . He eventually came up with Cultivation Theory which   says that repetitive exposure to something will  have  cumulative effect over time .  Using a very conservative estimate ,  we  see  about 500  advertisements in a day . Every time we  see an ad , it affects us ---whether we like it or not , whether we know it or not , whether we admit it or not. No person can  totally shield  himself or herself from the pervasive effects of the campaigns.  The message seeps  into  our unsuspecting  mind. And this is how food  and beverage companies  win customers .  By  brainwashing  viewers  which  items to eat and drink.
               Every time we click the remote  control or the mouse  , we   see  advertisements  of sodas , fried chicken , hamburger , chocolate bars  ,  potato chips and many other  stuff  that usually appear on our doctor’s “ forbidden “ list .  The  meticulously created  ads awaken our senses  and  make us  salivate. They  whet our appetite and  stir a craving strong enough to  make us rush to the nearest fast food or grab that chocolate bar  at the counter. 
                             Advertisements  don’t just  sell food .  They sell addiction.  Addiction to bad food is not as disgusting  as addiction to alcohol or drugs. It  is not frowned upon by society  nor  prohibited  by law .  Nobody gets arrested for binging on pizza  or  for hoarding chocolate chips cookies. Because food addiction seems benign , many people fall into the cracks.
          On the other hand ,  what is obviously absent  in the media   is  the campaign  for healthy living . Have you ever seen an ad asking people  to eat more cucumber ?  Or to drink more fresh lemon juice ? If fruits and vegetables are mentioned at all ,  it is  because  they are ingredients of  a soap or shampoo. Indeed ,  that there   are  more vitamins in  our  bathroom drain than on  our  dinner plates  may not be an absurd statement after all.  
        Here is another factor : job expectations for  people in the front lines . Sales crew  in most  fast food restaurants  have quotas  to  hit . Not hitting  the quota means poor job performance .  In order to keep their jobs , these employees try very hard to cross-sell  and  up-sell. They charm  you into upsizing your soda  and  into adding  French fries to your order. They tempt you into buying  a dozen  doughnuts , instead of just six. So , instead of having just a little snack , you end up eating a pack enough for a gang.
               Product display  is another  reason. In  almost all  supermarkets , junk food  is displayed at the most visible spots ; that is ,  near the entrance , or at the counter.  On the other hand , apples , bananas and other produce  are  nowhere near our sight . This arrangement easily discourages  good food choices . Why  would  a hungry  teen bother to get the apple somewhere there , when he can easily  pick up a canister of potato chips here ?  
           If we want  to wean people  away from  bad food choices , junk food  should be placed beyond the eye level  of children , or better  yet , of the average adult.  Junk food should be put in the farthest spot in the supermarket. This is not infringing on the people’s right to choose their food.  They are still 100% free to get  the junk food they want --- but they would have to walk extra 40  or 50 steps. They will surely grumble , but the walk is good for them. In short ,  let us make it harder  for people to make the wrong choices.   Of course , this  is easier said than done.  Who would  initiate the re-arrangement of food stuff  ? The  government  ? Supermarket owners ? Consumer groups  ?  We know that food companies aggressively  negotiate  to get  the most strategic spot   in every supermarket . Glib-talking , well-trained sales executives  from big  food  companies usually bag deals  for the most accessible  areas in the supermarket . On other hand , farmers usually do not have lobbyists  or representatives to encourage supermarket owners  to prominently  display their produce .

Another factor is  the tricky  relationship  between businesses and governments. All  governments  know the value of the health of its citizens. However , in their effort to attract more businesses and investments , they may  be unwittingly  leading  their citizens into unhealthy lifestyles.  What they may not realize, ( or already  realize but choose to ignore )  is that whatever they gain financially from taxes , sales and employment , is  offset  by  losses   due to  illness and death . Take , for instance ,  the tobacco industry. It undeniably  benefits many  big and small businessmen. In under-regulated countries , cigarettes  are available to everyone ,including minors.  The tobacco  industry  continues to prosper because there are still  millions of smokers around the world . 
Let us take a look at  smokers in under-populated  Arab countries .  Smokers  from these places are young  men  who are or  will be members of the workforce .Twenty years for now , these  men will either be dead , dying or  disabled   due to lung cancer, throat cancer  or emphysema. The country would not only lose much needed human resources like  managers , engineers   and   teachers --- but families would also  lose  beloved husbands , fathers , brothers and sons.
Cigarette advertisements have been banned in many countries . However , this does not mean that these products  have no media presence. Far from that.  Cigarette brands are subtly positioned  and implicitly  advertised  within movies and TV shows , notably  in crime  and police series . The brand is cleverly woven into the  character or setting . Don’t we often see a swaggering  action hero lighting a Marlboro stick  ?  Or a sexy brunette, puffing Virginia Slims,   in a restaurant scene ?  These images  are just as powerful as  20-second explicit ads.  Knowing how  impressionable young people  are  and  how they  tend to imitate their showbiz idols--- it is not surprising that many of them , consciously  or  subconsciously , have  acquired  the  habit of smoking. 
Finally , the complexity of modern living   is another reason why staying healthy  has become hard. Technological innovations have  greatly decreased our physical  movements. We  are glued to our  computers  most of the time .   There is no need to go to a brick-and-mortar  library because we can do the research online .   There is no need to walk to a colleague’s cubicle --- because we simply need to send an e-mail or a text message . There is no need to  traverse the stairs ;  we use lifts and escalators. Movies and TV programs are  also getting more and more exciting. Computer games give us a lot of  thrills . So , why go out and jog ?  
We all know that an active lifestyle is an indispensable  part of  a healthy regimen. Research says that the benefit that exercise gives is unique and can not be provided by any food or vitamin pill. Unfortunately , exercise  is the first casualty  of  modernization.  
Also ,  many workplaces  have become  burdensome and stressful. For many , the office is a fierce arena where  almost everyone is fighting  for recognition and rewards. We work long hours. We brainstorm  to our wit’s end .  We rush to  beat deadlines .  We labor up to breaking point. In doing so , we sacrifice healthy meals  and  forego  of simple walks at the park  . Some of us  even forget to laugh .
Health is basic. It should take precedence over other things . We mistakenly  put family or  work first . We forget that disregarding  our health is tantamount to disregarding our work . How can  we  teach or create a computer program  if  we  are sick ?  We forget that neglecting our health is tantamount to neglecting our loved ones . How can we  take care of our families when we’re gone ?  
          We may accuse businesses of selling the wrong food .  We may point fingers  to  the media for brainwashing  viewers into destructive habits .  We may say  that technology   has turned into a  Mr. Hyde . We may  protest that all forces in the universe are in a conspiracy  to  make  us  unhealthy . But  in the end , it still  boils down to personal accountability .
                Yes , it’s still us . We are responsible  for our health .  We  must acquire the wisdom to  see  how the dynamics of society works  and how we can maneuver our way through it . We  must  summon the   will power to give up vices and habits that are impairing our physical bodies and mental capacities . We must do what is right for us . It’s  a beautiful world  out there and  we need health  to enjoy it . Thomas Carlyle says it all :

“ He who has health , has hope;
And he who has hope ,
Has everything.”